Week 13...Saying good bye to the Vasteras, Sammamish 4

Hej hej!

It's been a good week! 

The beginning of the week was a lot of getting the other two elders in the area moved out. We got their place cleaned and then welcomed the new sister missionaries into the area on Wednesday! They haven't had sisters here in over 10 years so the ward here has been excited ha ha!


Nothing crazy happened this week but I will share some highlights:


We had some cool experiences this week contacting on the street. We met a dude named Alex. Rough looking guy, tats all over, but we started to talk to him and get to know him. He has had problems with drugs and all that and has a kid but isn't married. We talked about life after death and what he hopes for and he said he wishes he could see his dad again, so we told him that he would be reunited with him in heaven. We swapped numbers and we're going to meet him Wednesday!


We also met another dude named Dennis. He was in his 20's and had struggled with Heroin addiction but is trying to turn his life around so he is seeking after help. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and gave him a book of mormon and he was super interested. It goes to show that people who may look like they wouldn't be receptive are sometimes the people who need our message of hope the most.


We went over to a church members house Thursday night to do a little service for them. We helped them trim up a huge apple tree they have. It was a blast to hang with them and get to know them better. They have 3 kids so it was fun to run around and work with them. They bought 3 massive pizzas (biggest I've ever seen) with kebab too so we were fed well :) We've had a bunch of member meals here so we've gotten close with the branch. 


We met with our investigator Hashim this week too and taught him. He's getting closer to baptism which is sweet! He's 17 so he feels like a buddy. It's fun being around him and sharing the gospel with him. It's cool to see him have such a desire to learn more and get to know God.


My spiritual thought for the week comes from Alma 5:37, Book of Mormon scripture….

O ye workers of iniquity; ye that are apuffed up in the vain things of the world, ye that have professed to have known the ways of righteousness nevertheless have gone bastray, as csheep having no dshepherd, notwithstanding a shepherd hath ecalled after you and is still calling after you, but ye will not fhearken unto his voice!”


It talks about how we sometimes go astray and wander as sheep do. And we have a shepherd, who is Christ. No matter where we wander, Christ is always there calling us back in. We can always come back and we will be accepted with love and patience. Remember that Christ loves all unconditionally no matter what we have done. 


It's getting darker earlier here and raining a whole lot more! It reminds me of Seattle :) Life is good though, thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes this week, I loved hearing from everyone. 


Love you all,

Äldste Gordon

Swedish families feed the missionaries well!

Persian Soccer team

Good bye Sammamish 4


Don't ask..... :-) Boys will be boys.
