T Minus 8.5 weeks--- Finding the Lost and the Pro-skater pirate
Week 92—Finding the Lost and Pro-Skater Pirate
Hello everyone!
This week has been a jam-packed week with stuff. Recently
there has been a focus in our mission of "ministering" with the congregation
here, which basically means going and visiting other members in the church and
making sure they are taken care of. Part of this focus includes helping the
members that aren't very active make their way back to church. We've had some
cool experiences with that.
We've met 3 members this week (a Russian lady in her 70's,
lady from Ecuador in her 40's, and a Swedish guy in his 20's) that for one
reason or another stopped coming to church. The ways we were able to meet them
were all through things lining up perfectly with our schedule, more like our
original plan getting wrecked and us feeling like we should go by these people
and see if they were home. We were able to meet 2 of them again in the same
week and hear their story of how they were baptized in the past, and one of
those came to church for the first time in 20 years. What was so interesting to
me was that each and every one of them remembered well the feelings they had
when they met the missionaries and started changing their lives to follow God,
but over time just forgot and stopped doing the necessary things to keep a
faith going -- life's small inconveniences slowly pulled them away. As we heard
their stories, you could just tell that they felt the feelings over again and
could remember the pure happiness they experienced at the time of their
conversion. We've have about 100 members that come to church here, and several
hundred who are members in the Gothenburg area yet don't come, so there are a
lot of these kinds of stories out there waiting for two 20 yr old American
goobs to come knocking on their door.
The second notable experience of this week happened on Monday.
We were headed home from the young adult center downtown and we started
chatting with this guy also waiting for the spårvagn. He had long hair, shabby
clothes, and was smoking a cigarette. After chatting with him for a few
minutes, we hopped unknowingly onto the wrong spårvagn only to realize 30
seconds later that it was the wrong one, so we did the walk of shame back to the
original bus stop and our friend was still there. After chuckling that we went
the wrong way, he asked us "so why did you come up and talk to me?",
because earlier that day he had prayed and asked God to help him meet some good
people that could help him. Here's a bit about this guy, he is a sjöman, or
a sailor that had his own boat, late 20's. While sailing around, he parked his boat
in the wrong parking spot and it turns out boats don't get a little parking
ticket here when they're in the wrong place, they get confiscated. So the boat
and all of his belongings were taken and he had come back to Sweden the very
day we met him. After meeting him the day after and then another time during
the week, we heard this guy's story about how he had struggled with addictions
to serious drugs, depression and at times suicide yet through the hope and
light he felt from Christ was able to pull himself out of the dark. Several
other events with this man showed me so clearly that God knows what is going on
in all of our lives. I laugh thinking about how slim of chances it is that me,
a boy from Sammamish, WA would meet him, a sailor and pro skater in Sweden who
found himself in the middle of a crisis right at the time he needed it.
If my mission has taught me anything, it's that God helps us
through guiding other people. Often His "miraculous" interjections
aren't complete miracles, aren't saving someone's life, aren't healing someone
from sickness, but rather are just making it so that kind people are in the
right place to be able to help someone else feel seen and cared about (aka
God's love). I'm glad to be that guy to help others feel a deeper sort of love
and purpose.
Week 93
We were busy this whole week with splits, teaching people
and returning members, and being with members yet I can't really think of much
to write about.
Some funny things from the week/about Sweden:
- Sweden is an incredibly safe country. Any time you lost something,
you will pretty much always get it back. I left my backpack filled with
valuables on a train in downtown Stockholm once and was able to reclaim it 4
days later and everything was still there. If you drop a glove out while
walking, or an article of clothing, Swedes will pick it up and put in on the
nearest eye-level thing they can see in the same area so when you come back it
is easy to find. So you'll sometimes see gloves put onto fence posts waiting
for people to come back to reclaim them. I saw a flyer last week that someone
put up because they found a lost watch at a bus stop and put their number on
the flyer so the person who lost their clock could get it back. Swedes are very
kind people.
- While talking with this guy at a Swedish Church hot chocolate
stand, he started laying into us about our beliefs. He kept referring to a
"Robert Brown" who was a prophet in our church... turns out he was
talking about Joseph Smith ha ha
- While out knocking doors this week, a lady switched to English
on us when we said we are from America (because swedes love to practice their English
when the get the chance). She expressed herself fairly well and then looked up
at me and just said "You've got a big brain" ha ha not sure what she
was going for there.
As you can tell, nothing crazy happened here this week that
would interest you, but things are tangibly improving here in Gothenburg with
not only the congregation, but also with bringing back members of our church
that have taken another path.
One principle that I really have grasped lately is the idea
that once someone is baptized and becomes a member of the Jesus Christ's
Church, they are promised to be taken care of. Christ made sure that all of his
"sheep" were tended to, and especially being here and being a
representative for Christ, I have seen that the members of this church aren't
forgotten (Moroni 6:4), and that the other sheep are there to make sure they
continue to receive the care they need.
With love,
Elder Gordon
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My Pro Skater Pirate friend |
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Dessert |
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Visiting from Gubbagen ward...excited to see these cute faces |
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Gothenburg |
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Visited the high school invention presentations |
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Typical Swedish neighborhood |
His letters are always so great. Those Swedish people sound pretty sweet. I love all the pictures you posted. Wow, what a beautiful place. :)